Hi everyone! My name is Kayla, and this is my very first blog post ever, so bare with me if you will! I'm not exactly sure on where this blog will go, but nevertheless I'm so very excited to take on this journey and see where it takes me. So, with that being said, I'm going to start off with a little background about myself.🙂
As you most likely already know, my name is Kayla. I'm 21 years old (I know, pretty young to be blogging, right?) and I live in Bakersfield California. The armpit of Southern Cali, with it being 100 degrees or hotter in the summer, barely anything worth spending a nickle on, and some of the worst polluted air in the nation, Bakersfield will not fail to show you Cali isn't always filled with super stars, sports cars and nice weather. Regardless, I love to ride my long board when it is actually nice outside, usually in the spring and fall. Concerts are one of my go to's when there is nothing else to do. I can get down on some xbox if I'm completely bored out of my mind. I used to game quite a bit back when I was younger, now I can't play more than 30 minutes without being over it. Bummer!! But what can yaa do? Anyways, my hands down favorite music artist is Lana Del Rey. She is such a great singer, with such a beautiful persona. She has been an inspiration of mine since I was about 13. Her music has a very unique style, almost old timely. You should give her a search, it'll be well worth it! Well, I can go on and on, but I'd hate to bore you guys with my random rambles. Thanks for reading!!
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